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Book Covers
Short Bio (140 words)
Pashaura Singh Dhillon is an 85-year-old Punjabi poet, singer, and activist based in the Central Valley California. Raised in the household of Ghadar Party President Sohan Singh Bhakna back in Punjab, India, he is now a retired Landscape Architect trained by the Landscape Institute London. Despite living and working halfway around the world, he is a poet at heart writing and singing in Punjabi about a variety of social issues, ranging from human rights, gender equality to the environment and Sikh philosophy. His latest collection of poetry, Diva Bale Sumundaron Paar(The Lamp Still Burns Across the Sea), and album, “Awaaz te Parvaaz” is available from his website.
Visit PashauraSinghDhillon.com to follow him on various social media channels, listen to Pashaura’s poetry, including music slideshows, or for more information on his poetry collection and other writing.
Medium Bio (300 words)
Pashaura Singh Dhillon is an 85-year-old Punjabi poet, singer, and activist based in the Central Valley California. Raised in the household of Ghadar Party President Sohan Singh Bhakna back in Punjab, India, he is now a retired Landscape Architect trained by the Landscape Institute London. Despite living and working halfway around the world, he is a poet at heart writing and singing in Punjabi about a variety of social issues, ranging from human rights, gender equality to the environment and Sikh philosophy. His latest collection of poetry, Diva Bale Sumundaron Paar(The Lamp Still Burns Across the Sea), and album, “Awaaz te Parvaaz” is available from his website.
He is the former co-host for an educational radio talk show, Punjab News and Views, airing on Fresno’s KBIF 900AM, and is the current co-host for a weekly discussion show via zoom organized by NRIPress.com. Along with his live performances at home and abroad, Pashaura’s poems have been
featured on television programs, online media sites including youtube and
published in leading newspapers and magazines in the United States and abroad. In addition to highlighting societal and human rights issues through his music and poetry, Pashaura Singh Dhillon is actively involved in addressing local community issues.
As the Education Coordinator for the Sikh Council of Central California (SCCC), he is closely associated with Fresno County Office of Education and is among the pioneers in liaising with the California Department of Education and Legislators in Sacramento to include Sikhism in History – Social Science curriculum framework in the California Public School system.
His latest collection of poetry, Diva Bale Sumundaron Paar(The Lamp Still Burns Across the Sea), and album, “Awaaz te Parvaaz” is available from his website.
Visit PashauraSinghDhillon.com to follow him on various social media channels, listen to Pashaura’s poetry, including music slideshows, or for more information on his poetry collection and other writing.
Social Media Links
- Facebook: @PashauraSinghDhillon
- Twitter: @pashaura
- Instagram: @pashaura